Thursday, March 19, 2020

Shakespeare has used conflict Essay Example

Shakespeare has used conflict Essay Example Shakespeare has used conflict Essay Shakespeare has used conflict Essay In order to attract an audience towards themes, a playwright must use conflict. Show how Shakespeare has used conflict in The Tempest to explore ideas that are of interest. In doing so, refer in detail to the literary and dramatic elements employed.  Shakespeare in this play sets out to represent Prospero as a strong, powerful leader as they would be at this period of time in England, however although an English monarch must be powerful they must also show a sense of compassion and approachability about them. The play is based on betrayal and revenge, which become the main ingredients to a highly entertaining play. Prospero (who was once the duke of Milan) and his daughter, Miranda was sent to an island by his brother Antonio and his enemy Alonso, King of Naples and Sebastian, Alonsos brother. Prospero was starting to discover magic and became less involved with his responsibilities of being a Duke and concentrated more on the realm of magical powers. Antonio saw this as a perfect opportunity to get rid of Prospero and take over as Duke of Milan with the help on Alonso and Sebastian. This storyline is full of conflict enabling the audience to become entertained fairly quickly due to the suspense created on what Prospero will do to declare his revenge. Prospero is represented as a leader. Leaders have to have strength and power; his almighty power is shown right from the beginning of the play when he creates the storm. Although the crew and the nobles are unaware that Prospero is responsible for the storm, he still manages to put fear and terror into the passengers aboard the ship. The events Prospero creates through the use of his magic such as the storm, creates suspense throughout the play, as the audience want to know what other great things he will do to show his power. The suspense is built up through every dramatic event caused by Prospero making this play highly entertaining and suspenseful to how Prospero will get his final revenge. A play with plenty of conflict that builds up to the huge climax of the play makes The Tempest an extremely entertaining and attractive play to watch or read. Shakespeare uses conflict throughout this particular play through different characters such as Prospero with Sebastian, Alonso and Antonio over the fact of Prosperos banishment and wanting revenge on the nobles for their actions,   Though with their high wrongs I am struck to thquick  Yet with my nobler reason gainst my fury  Prospero wants revenge on Alonso, Sebastian and Antonio for getting rid of him from his position in status and sending him away. However after scaring and punishing the nobles Prospero realises that not matter what he does to them it wont change the wrong doing of their actions towards him or the person in which they have become. To work mine end upon their senses that  This airy charm is for; Ill break my staff  Bury it certain fathoms in the earth,   And deeper did ever plummet sound  Ill drown my book  Here Prospero realises no amount of magic will cure what has happened in the past or the change the person they have become, the change has to come from within Alonso, Sebastian and Antonio.  One other conflict is with Antonio and Sebastian over Alonso,  And look how well my garments sit upon me,  Much feater than before. My brothers servants  Were then my fellows. Now they are my men. They are plotting to kill him to gain a higher nobility status and they will get away with killing him as no one would be around to see because they are on another island therefore they could say he drowned with the ship. This quote also indicates that the two nobles feel no remorse for the wrongs they did to Prospero. If they could get rid of Prospero and have no guilty conscience then whats to say they will feel any emotion to killing Alonso. Suspense is created also through the scenes of Sebastian and Antonio, the audience are kept guessing to the happenings of their evil plot being carried out to whether or not they will kill the King. A parallel conflict is between Caliban, Trinculo, Stephano and Prospero, Caliban wants to be freed from Prospero and meets Trinculo and Stephano who have been strayed upon the island after the sinking of the kings ship. Caliban talks Trinculo and Stephano into helping him kill Prospero in order for him to be free; he will reward them by being Stephanos slave. Stephano agrees to this as  They will lay out ten to see a dead Indian. Stephano and Trinculo are only helping Caliban, as he will make them quite a lot of money when they take him back to England. At this particular time in the century, (after the dark ages) a lot of things were being discovered as people began to find means of travelling around the world, so any living thing that wasnt white with two arms and two legs was seen as a strange creature and taken back to England. They would be used in freak shows and the public would pay to see these strange discoveries making the owner of the poor victims a pretty penny. This particular play attracts a modern audience, it tells us a little bit of the history in England around that time. Not only is the play entertaining but also it is educational in its own little way. Prosperos status in power is shown once again in this scene between Prospero and Ferdinand, the kings son. He uses Ferdinand to create his revenge on Alonso. In order to use Ferdinand in his scheme, Prospero orders his slave Ariel, to enchant the young prince who thinks his father has drowned, but unbeknown to Ferdinand he is alive on another part of the island. Prosperos power is also shown through Ariel, he is Prosperos slave making him a powerful figure of the island. Ariel teases Ferdinand; she sings cruel songs in order to make Ferdinand think his father is dead Full fathom five thy father lies  Of his bones are coral made  Those are pearls that were his eyes  Nothing of him that doth fade  The techniques used in this particular scene are used very cleverly; dramatic irony and suspense are created to make this part of the play entertaining. Ariel and the audience know that Alonso is alive and well but the words of Ariels song make Ferdinand think the worst, as he doesnt know of his father whereabouts. The scene is suspenseful due to not knowing what will happen to Ferdinand, and wondering if Ferdinand will ever seeing his father again. In my opinion, the main conflict in The Tempest is between Prospero and Sebastian, Alonso and Antonio. Prospero desperately wants revenge on his brother and the King of Naples along with Sebastian for his banishment. Shakespeare creates suspense right from the beginning scene, such as the storm created through Prosperos power, up until the very end of the play when Prosperos revenge is not so important any more due to the fact of realising that forgiveness is the best policy.  Suspense is created as the audience dont actually know if everyone will get away alive from the sinking ship which has happened in the very first scene and to whether or not the nobles will be punished further for their wrong doings.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Water Intoxication and Hyponatremia

Water Intoxication and Hyponatremia Youve probably heard that its important to drink plenty of fluids or simply drink lots of water. There are excellent reasons for drinking water, but have you ever wondered if its possible to drink too much water. Heres what you need to know: Key Takeaways: Drinking Too Much Water It is possible to drink too much water. Overhydration leads to water intoxication and hyponatremia.The problem isnt really about the amount of water, but how ingesting too much water upsets the electrolyte balance in blood and tissues.Drinking too much water is uncommon. If you stop drinking water when you no longer feel thirst, there is no risk of water intoxication.Hyponatremia most often occurs when babies are given water instead of formula or formula that has been mixed with too much water. Can You Really Drink Too Much Water? In a word, yes. Drinking too much water can lead to a condition known as water intoxication and to a related problem resulting from the dilution of sodium in the body, hyponatremia. Water intoxication is most commonly seen in infants under six months of age and sometimes in athletes. A baby can get water intoxication as a result of drinking several bottles of water a day or from drinking infant formula that has been diluted too much. Athletes can also suffer from water intoxication. Athletes sweat heavily, losing both water and electrolytes. Water intoxication and hyponatremia result when a dehydrated person drinks too much water without the accompanying electrolytes. What Happens During Water Intoxication? When too much water enters the bodys cells, the tissues swell with the excess fluid. Your cells maintain a specific concentration gradient, so excess water outside the cells (the serum) draws sodium from within the cells out into the serum in an attempt to re-establish the necessary concentration. As more water accumulates, the serum sodium concentration drops - a condition known as hyponatremia. The other way cells try to regain the electrolyte balance is for water outside the cells to rush into the cells via osmosis. The movement of water across a semipermeable membrane from higher to lower concentration is called osmosis. Although electrolytes are more concentrated inside the cells than outside, the water outside the cells is more concentrated or less diluted, since it contains fewer electrolytes. Both electrolytes and water move across the cell membrane in an effort to balance concentration. Theoretically, cells could swell to the point of bursting. From the cells point of view, water intoxication produces the same effects as would result from drowning in fresh water. Electrolyte imbalance and tissue swelling can cause an irregular heartbeat, allow fluid to enter the lungs, and may cause fluttering eyelids. Swelling puts pressure on the brain and nerves, which can cause behaviors resembling alcohol intoxication. Swelling of brain tissues can cause seizures, coma and ultimately death unless water intake is restricted and a hypertonic saline (salt) solution is administered. If treatment is given before tissue swelling causes too much cellular damage, then a complete recovery can be expected within a few days. Its Not How Much You Drink, Its How Fast You Drink It! The kidneys of a healthy adult can process 15Â  liters of water a day! You are unlikely to suffer from water intoxication, even if you drink a lot of water, as long as you drink over time as opposed to imbibing an enormous volume at one time. As a general guideline, most adults need about three quarts of fluid each day. Much of that water comes from food, so 8-12 eight-ounce glasses a day is a commonly recommended intake. You may need more water if the weather is very warm or very dry, if you are exercising, or if you are taking certain medications. The bottom line is this: its possible to drink too much water, but unless you are running a marathon or are an infant, water intoxication is a very uncommon condition. Can You Drink Too Much If Youre Thirsty? No. If you stop drinking water when you stop feeling thirsty, you are not at risk for overdosing on water or developing hyponatremia. There is a slight delay between drinking enough water and not feeling thirsty anymore, so its possible to overhydrate yourself. If this happens, youll either vomit the extra water or else need to urinate. Even though you might drink a lot of water after being out in the sun or exercising, its generally fine to drink as much water as you want. The exceptions to this would be babies and athletes. Babies should not drink diluted formula or water. Athletes can avoid water intoxication by drinking water that contains electrolytes (e.g., sports drinks).